Birds of a Feather Victoria Ocean Front B&B
Birds of a Feather Victoria Ocean Front B&B
Wed, 04/25/2007 - 2:47pm — adminA safe and quiet haven of serenity Birds of a Feather Victoria Bed and Breakfast accommodations, hospitality, and unique amenities welcome you at our intimate, romantic West Coast DESTINATION!
Waterfront, private en-suite master bathrooms, ocean, city and mountain views, kitchenettes, widescreen HDTV, soaker tubs, huge water front decks, private entrances, gas fireplaces, courtesy canoe, kayaks, migratory bird sanctuary, old growth forest hiking trails, whale watching, beach-combing, beach campfire, walk or row to Hatley Castle and Fort Rodd Hill & Fisgard Lighthouse. Open year round. Smoking outside. Dieter spricht Deutsch.

Street: 206 Portsmouth Dr.
City: Colwood
Postal Code / Zip: V9C 1R9
Province / State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Contact Name: Annette & Dieter
Toll Free: 1-800-730-4790
Web site:
Rates: $140.00 to $185.00 CDN